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This is a spring and summer not many will forget. Our new normal is to always remember the sanitizer and mask when leaving the house, shaking hands by bumping elbows and being confined to our international border... and at times our provincial borders too.

For the most part, we have been so fortunate. I haven't been working since mid February but Mike hasn't been laid off. The kids have all kept their jobs with the exception of Tyler who was laid off in mid March. Gratefully, our family and extended family have all stayed healthy.

The hardest part is not being able to see family and friends. I miss my Roseau family like crazy! It must be even harder for them. We try to have family chats every Sunday and we play trivia games together, reminisce together by going through memory boxes or old photos together... or give tours of the work we've been doing in our yards or homes. 

We weren't able to visit Mémère for the longest time either, but in May, the Manoir started outdoor visits. It was so nice to see Mémère again, even for a short time. The smile on her face... I'll never forget it.

Manitoba has been battling the second wave of infection. This winter will be a tough one to get through. We are starting to prepare ahead of time by stocking up on important supplies (not toilet paper!).

My hope is that we will be able to have Christmas together. Being with my family is what's most important to me.
